Monday, August 18, 2014


So today the alarm clocks rang and the children sprang out of bed for the first day of school.  Some faster than others.  I will admit that my mind thought that the alarm clock wasn't for me (my teenager had changed the radio station, so that was part of the confusion.)

After breakfast, and a few reminders to put on shoes, the children lined up on the porch to take the obligatory first day of school photos.  As they lined up my 10 year old pointed out that this year their grades match the ages they all were when we moved into one roof together.  See my oldest two daughters are my biological children (Yes, that is right term.  If I say they are my real children, then people think I imagined the other three.) and the younger three are a sibling group that we fostered and then adopted.  In 2009 as we started the school year we had 9, 6, 5, 3 and 2 year old children.  We packed some of the same school supplies today, but thankfully none of them needed a diaper bag and they all can speak in full sentences as they go to 9th, 6th, 4th, 3rd and 2nd grades.

Today went well at school.  We have a few minor things to sort out for the 9th grader's schedule.  The 6th grader is relieved to know that she can work her locker combination.  The 5th grader really likes rotating between 3 teachers (I wasn't sure she would like it, so this is great!) The 3rd grader got excited at the thought that every day would be like today. I had to burst her bubble that there would be work on other days.  She's still excited.  And the 2nd grader got a glowing review from his teacher.  This is HUGE.  All in all, it was a good day. 

I remember other firsts.  On Thursday, my oldest will turn 14.  I remember that first day in the hospital staring at this little, feisty girl.  There were moments of joy and moments where I felt overwhelmed.  It was part reality and part pregnancy hormones. Sometimes they happened all at once.  I am so grateful for those who helped me on my beginning steps of motherhood.

The first time I saw my second daughter was not as joyous and was much more scary.  I was in a dark recovery room and she was less than 2 1/2 pounds.  I was very sick with preeclampsia and she had to be delivered at 30 weeks. They briefly wheeled her through the recovery room so I could see her before she was hooked up to tubes and monitors in the NICU.   Again, people showed up to cheer me on and give me a shoulder to cry on. The first time I held her she smiled.  Big, genuine, smile.

Five years ago I didn't think I could juggle everything when I went from two to five kidlets.  I was worried about keeping track of who needed what and when they needed it.  Trying to keep track of teacher's names and schedules made my brain spin.  Of course there were so many who jumped in with gifts of clothing, food, encouragement and laughter and we made it through.

Today seemed much more doable.  We got to share around the table about how our day went.  I still get those moments of joy and moments of feeling overwhelmed.  Mainly due to reality now and not pregnancy hormones.  In a few years, the firsts won't happen on my front porch.  We are already hearing college talk from the 9th grader and others are starting to dream about what they want to be when they grow up.  But first things first, today was a good day and I hope the same for tomorrow when we go for seconds.

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