Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Buddy System

When I am directing camp and leading kids mission trips we have the buddy system.  Even when it is just me and my kids, they have to have the buddy system.  Sometimes kids don't mind.  It is fun to pair up with someone for a game but then there are times in the middle of something exciting when your buddy needs to go to the bathroom.  The true test of the buddy system is when someone is willing to go with the one who needs to go.

I get reminded of the need for even us big kids to have a buddy system.  Life is harder if we go it alone.  Yes, it is always more fun to go on an adventure with a friend, but the true commitment is when someone is there is the rough times.  It's the buddy system at its best when we are at our worst.  The friend who sits in a hospital room to lend support.  The coworker who gives encouragement instead of criticism.  Or a late night run to help someone feel safe.  While we may post the pics of our good times with our buddy system, it gets stronger when we feel that we are at our weakest.

So if you feel that life is hard, remember the rules of the buddy system and don't go it alone.

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